Britney Spears Will Release New Music In January

 Britney Spears Will Release New Music In January

OK, so we told you this morning that Britney Spears will be releasing her new single January 7th, but her manager, Adam Leber, has taken to her official twitter account to clear some things up about that date!
Lot of misinformation out there regarding the release of Brits 1st single. Don’t believe everything you read…. -Adam Leber, Manager
Unless of course it’s an official announcement coming in January. STAY TUNED….. -Adam Leber, Manager
That said, the single is DEFINITELY coming in January. PS- happy new years people -Adam Leber, Manager
Sorry guys, but never pay attention to unofficial announcements. Just trying to clarify. Please don’t “hold it against me” -Adam, Manager
Alright, but I really hope its EARLY January – I miss Britney y’all!