Farah Quinn
Recently a lot of men talk about it. Some even to defend stealing belain working hours and home offices more quickly after watching the show on television. Other news coming from a group of young artists in Yogyakarta, which some time ago with no intention of anything but just idolized chef whose full name is Farah Farhanah to come and attend the exhibition of their paintings. Farah acted there as a guest star at the same time the exhibition opens, rather did not connect but never mind.
But at the same time is also interesting when looking at all behavior that. Shrewd hands Farah Quinn in playing knives and cook tools we can see on the show that aired a la Chef every Thursday and Friday at 14. 30 WIB on Trans TV.
Upon their return from America after mengenyam college majors kulinari Pastry Art, Farah directly to seriously develop the world kulinari Indonesia, which he said was rich variety. Bath Iron Chef reality show, the day we come full of surprises (the number of personnel that much) to his home. Not only that, the shock also comes from our questions that he dared. What April said the woman who would celebrate his birthday? And see also the story of a woman who had signed the 50 best chefs under 30 in New York magazine published by American Dessert living, when he met Bondan Winarno. FHM Maret 2009

(Source: ngemprut.blogspot.com)