Maggie Cheung
Maggie Cheung signed her contract with a skincare company in Tsim Sha Tsui yesterday. This is her first time as a spokesperson for a skincare product in Hong Kong. She told reporter "I have used this brand for many years. They were not on sale in Hong Kong, I had to ask my sister who works as an air stewardess to get them for me all the time from Europe. (Did you get a lot of money as the spokesperson?) I am happy for the fees. The most important thing is I get sponsored, and I can use any of the products. (Benefiting your boyfriend too?) We all have our preference, this brand suits me better."
Maggie told reporter she is very interested in photography now as her nephew is getting so cute. She bought a digital camera specially to take pictures for him. Maggie said "Kids look so funny when they walk with their bare bottom shaking. (Your boyfriend is not your target?) Kids are more attractive."
Talking about Maggie who likes children, the reporter asked if she is planning to get married and have children? Maggie said "In the past, I thought I need to have my career first, and kids are so annoying. But I have changed the last two years. A child will add on more harmony to family environment. I am beginning to want to have children now. (Has your boyfriend made any move yet?) We haven't discussed about it. I will let nature take its course. The timing has to be right, heaven will decide." Talking about Jessica Hsuan has announced that she will be getting married at the end of the year, Maggie said she is very happy for her. (Source: asianfanatics.net)